Tuesday, November 14, 2006

it's why you name it afterwards

I really wanted to go to bed early tonight. The NWN server I play on is shutting down at the end of the week. The lead has been driven insane by a stampede of whiny, selfish, annoying children...some of whom are not anywhere close to 17 anymore. My kid teases me that I play RPGs with 17 YOs. Feh. So, I got into a long, 4-way MSN with the two leads, and another admin. Then I got totally distracted by my daughter's blog.

She has a grasp of the written word that I will never have. Part of it, I suppose is that I can see and hear her talking when I read her stuff. One post would have me cackling out loud with unrepressed laughter, and the next..totally dissolved in unabashed bawling. I can see that for most posts, I don't even need to read them...I recall the MSN chats about the same thing, almost word for word...like she's running it by the test audience to see how I'll respond, with a hehehe...or a ... ; what smiley I'll send to counter her silliness or her grief.

My daughter is my best friend, we grew up together, she and I. She doesn't write much about me...and that, strangely does not bother me (it's her blog, after all), and when she does, I figure briefly and that, I suppose is the way it should be....yes, because a lot of her writing is about her own daughter, where mine will be a lot about mine...a very special, talented, beautiful woman who just happens to be my kid...and one who never used to show me her writing because she thought she wouldn't measure up. You have far surpassed me, Kidlet...far and away.

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