Sunday, September 12, 2010


In case you haven't figured it out...all .02 of you who might, just might look at this's not active any longer (no...really?). I've moved. If I want you to find me, you have my new website. Ciao.


I've been very much neglecting my website. I suppose other "bloggers" have this problem. Do you ever have one of those periods where there's a lot going on, but either you don't really feel like putting it all into words and/or you feel if you did, it would just seem, I don't know...kind of meh...? I suppose that's a form of writer's block, eh?

There's also this: I just don't seem to get anywhere. One of my friends just cooks along on her projects, and I go to blogs where people are doing cool things and their houses look so awesome...and mine is still craptastic. I have no time, no energy, and no money. I walk into a room, filled with ideas and take one look at the clutter and the dust and say fuck it and walk out to go read or play on the computer.  I just don't know where to start. My place has become like one of those little puzzles you had as a kid--usually numbers, but sometimes a US flag or other picture--where you had to move all the little tiles to make the picture. You'd get one part of it done and realize you had to back-track and move all those pieces aside just to get the corner in. That's my house. I look at one project and realize the huge number of things that have to be done before I can even start. Fooey.

Anyway, that's not the big news this week. Everything's kind of been put on back burners. More on that later...just wanted to let my adoring fans (all two of them, both related to me no doubt) that I hadn't fallen off the edge of the world. (That got me to thinking if the tea baggers and the flat earthers and the birthers all got together...oh, wait, they're all pretty much one and the same, aren't they? Never mind....)

'Til tomorrow, little buckaroos.