Thursday, May 21, 2015

While my obsession gently weeps...

Obsessions*, I believe, stem from some deep, dark place of need: failures, desires, dissatisfactions, or possibly just from pure boredom. I won't go into my latest one, but suffice to say it stems from a physical ache I get in my chest when I think about not having pursued my intended career in film.

I know life is full of woulda-shoulda-couldas, and we should, in the inimitable words of Jim Wright, just "suck it up buttercup" and move on. I also fully realize that some of the good things in my life, like my precious son, would never have happened if I'd done what I was supposed to have done.

Why didn't I? Hmm, well, like so many other things, deep-seated fear of failure is strong with this one. I did actually have some valid reasons, though. My daughter was still in high school and I wasn't about to yank her roots up and go off into uncertainty (even more uncertainty than moving across country to go to UT in the first place). I got moved around so much as a kid (17 places in 17 years..yow) that I had vowed to never do that to her. I had no real set of skills other than my wits and really 30 years ago, UT's RTF department really just prepared you to be a production assistant, albeit a highly educated one.

1985-almost done with film school
For years I shoved it all in the back of the closet and didn't think about it. Myriad films have been made since then, even just counting well-known US/Brit flicks; I'd get a bit of "wow" that would have been fun to work on and I'd get a bit nostalgic, or whatever you'd call it when you really wish you'd spent your life doing something other than what you are/did. But in the wake of the three Hobbit movies I've been watching a lot of the production vlogs and perhaps I shouldn't torture myself like that, but at the same time they're fascinating as all hell to my movie-making-inclined mind. They painfully remind me of what I really wanted want to be doing, instead of being a university paper schlepper for the past 23 years. This was only supposed to be a job, someplace to be until I found something else. But lazy-ass me, I never looked. So in the end it's only my laziness and complacency to blame.

If, in some alternate version of this universe, someone were to offer me a position (costume-room sweeper? tea-making-assistant?) on a production, I'd snap it up so fast the door would come off its hinges. The caveat is I'd have to be able to take my cat with me. Other than that *POOF* I'd be outta here.  Realistic me knows nothing like that would ever happen. Fantasy me indulges.

*One only has to look at my Pinterest lately to figure out fairly quickly what that obsession is.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Moving on.

Sunday AM..more rain. I love the rain, but not the mud in the back yard. The dog brings most of it in the house with her. Ugh.

I finally got fed up with the bullshit on FB. I knew it was only a matter of time. Too many people posting political stuff that just gets me angry...and yeah, I posted some, too.  I know where my loyalties lie and that's all I need know. So, yeah, I haven't been on FB other than to check to see who's replied to something ( one..) in about two weeks. I don't miss it and not one single person has even noticed I'm not there. Heh.  This isn't a pity party, but just to show it's par for the course.

So, moving on from there, I might be here more. I need to write, no matter what it is. I have a project and article in the works and massive research to do for that. I also need to make my silly third post about Hobbit Trivia.

Speaking of The Hobbit, in the course of looking up stuff about each of the actors, I've been trying to watch other projects they've appeared in . If you've been paying attention, you'll know that Mr Turner is starring in a new BBC production of Poldark.  First thing I saw him in other than The Hobbit and it convinced me he is actually a rather good actor indeed.
Screen Cap of Poldark starring Aidan Turner
I went on from there to watch him in Being Human. Both shows are done with the BBC's penchant for quality. The costumes in Poldark are perfection. Period fabrics, hand sewing (or at least 95% looks hand-sewn), proper fabrics for different classes, etc. The production values are superb and the Cornish scenery is just lovely. Well done, BBC, well done.

I stopped watching Being Human once Aidan was written out of the show (won't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it), but the three series (seasons) are very good, heart-wrenching, and dramatic; there is a fair bit of humor, too. Russell Tovey and one of Aidan's exes, Lenora Crichlow, costar.

I've been trying to get hold of series 6 & 7 of The Clnic, well, actually I'd like to watch the whole lot of them. He was written out after series 7. I've seen a YouTube compilation of just the scenes he's in, but the show looks like it would be very good. There's a boxed set sort of available on Amazon. However, even though it's coded "0" --any region-- apparently it won't play in the US. Drat it all. He's a bit younger and plays a character who's a DJ in a club by night and a receptionist in a clinic by day. Wowsa, puts a whole new curve on being a receptionist.

The house is, as always, a huge mess, my studio is a wreck and all I feel like doing is playing Mahjong and writing. Go figure. I'm supposed to be washing dishes and making a grocery list (how utterly mundane), but "supposed to" and I have never really been friends.

The novel moves along a bit, seven chapters done and let's see, it's only taken me...7..8... years. *faceplant*

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Hobbit Trivia 2

Okay, so in the last installment of Racu's Current Infatuation, we covered Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, and Bofur. This time, let's look at Bombur, Ori, Nori, and Dori.  Next time we'll get Óin and Glóin, and the pretty boyz Fili and Kili. Oh my.

(If I've used your photo and you have issues with it, please let me know and I'll take it down)

Bombur: Stephen Hunter - Another Kiwi. Born in Wellington in 1968, 5'7". Looks like almost all his work was in TV prior to being cast in The Hobbit. He enjoys making people laugh. Starring in a couple of upcoming movies.

There always has to be a fat person to poke fun at, doesn't there? Some things never change. :(

Ori: Adam Brown - born 1980 in Hungerford, Berkshire, UK, 5'7". The Hobbit is his first movie role. Co-founder of the comedy writing/performing team "Plested and Brown."   The scene in Goblin Town implies Ori is the youngest dwarf, when in fact Kili is. (In The Hobbit, Fili is described as being the youngest, but in Appendix A of LoTR, Fili's birth year is TA 2859, Kili's is TA 2864).

Nori: Jed Brophy - born 1963 Feilding, NZ. 5'9"  In several of Jackson's films including LoTR. His son, Sadwyn Brown is also in LoTR and plays Aragorn and Arwen's son, Eldarion, in her vision. Jed was a stunt performer in Lovely Bones, and appeared in "Xena: Warrior Princess, among many other gigs.

That brings us to Dori: Mark Hadlow - One of New Zealand's most prominent actors, born 1957, is also a comedian, singer, writer, producer, and director. 5'7" (seems  Jackson has a thing for that height, eh?). Voiced several parts in Meet the Feebles and was in King Kong. Also appeared in Xena.