Thursday, July 15, 2010

Honesty: Don't you believe it.

Contrary to what (most) people will tell you, they do not, in fact, want you to be honest with them. Most people are terrified of the might confirm their worst fears. They don't want to think about the truth, that might require work or, worse, a paradigm shift, on their part. Paradigm shift is just fancy talk for a reality check. People in denial about their behavior, or their work habits (or lack thereof) don't like reality checks. They also spend a good deal of their time and energy being paranoid, convinced everyone is talking about them and/or out to get them.  Which could be true. As the old joke has it, just because you're paranoid does not mean everyone's not out to get you.

I have a co-worker who I've tried several times to go somewhere and talk with me, have lunch or whatever. But because she apparently was afraid of what I might say, she kept blowing me off. When I finally had had enough, I vented to the boss. There really wasn't anything we wouldn't have said to her in person...but she walked in the office behind us and heard part of the conversation. She didn't hear all of it and so of course took what she did hear out of context. I told the boss I thought she had heard it, but he, being male, was all, no I don't think so, she's just quiet because...blahdeblah.  But, eventually it came out when I asked her why she'd dropped me from FB. So, I told her what the convo was about.

As stated earlier...she really didn't want me to be honest.

So, moral of the story, don't lie, but don't be honest either.

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