Friday, July 02, 2010

Everyone but Johnny...

I've come to the conclusion that most people I know don't "get" me. That's not a self-pity thing. I just have a very bizarre sense of humor and take delight in not only expanding my knowledge on a given subject, but enlightening those around me...much to their annoyance, I might add. I either wrongly assume they know nothing about whatever it is or that they must have the same level of curiosity that I do. I'm usually wrong on both counts.

My husband gets it...he's worse than I am at these assumptions and will blithely talk your ear and then your arm and then any other hapless body parts off in endless elucidations about...Formula 1 racing or medieval knights or what had happened if so and so hadn't killed a pig early on in Texas history.   I pale in comparison in knowitallness.  I normally just listen...or rather give the appearance of listening. Two minutes later I can't tell you a damn thing about what he just said.  Not because I don't care, but because, more than likely, I'll hear it all again at some sessions ftw. :)

As for my own KIAness, I suppose I need, at the ripe old age of 58, to learn that people don't give a shit.  They don't really care that potatoes aren't native to India and therefore not, in my mind, part of traditional food. The fact they've been there for 200+ years makes them traditional in everyone else's mind.  And they're right, I know 200 years is a really old tradition! *laugh*  To me, it's but a blink in the life of the universe.

My coworkers rag me all the time...if they come up with some inaccuracy, I'm there to say, "Well, actually...(and they know they're in for it right then)..." and proceed to set them all straight.

It's kind of like my plethora of cats and my collection of fabric and herd of dust rhinos. Love all of me, or...tell me to get a won't hurt my feelings, cuz I know I'm annoying.

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