Sunday, June 06, 2010

What a marvelous thing.

A clean fridge is a marvelous thing.

A clean refrigerator. Aaaah. My hands are raw and I've dripped soapy water from one end of the kitchen to the other, and most of my groceries (except dairy) sat out all day. But the fridge is all washed and the crap cleaned out.  I took out every shelf and door pocket, took them apart and scrubbed 'em with Method Purple Spray (which, by the way, works better than anything I've ever found on that tough, sticky kitchen grease), and also with soapy water, rinsed and dried, and reassembled them.  Also took a bunch of stuff out to the compost. The person who messes it up will not be a happy camper.

The freezer side is next. Then to conquer the rest of the kitchen. Ennui be damned!

Oh, and the spousal unit laughed his ass off at me taking this picture.

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