Saturday, March 01, 2008

Um....oh, hai! I'm in ur hed, makin thingz up

Sorry...the title is well, sophomoric, but it got your attention, didn't it? ;)

Four months to the day...what was this thing about turning over new leaves, etc? Feh...leaves, schmeaves...I write when the muse twhacks me over the head with a box of number 2s. I'm hoping my priestess/teacher is still talking to me...I asked her to repeat the snarky comment story and I guess a couple of the "we have nothing better to do than diss people more intelligent than ourselves" sites got hold of it. *sighs* You know, since skinny is considered "normal" and "desirable" (yeah, right, ask my husband about that one), and fat is "not normal" and "undesirable" (these are society's views, not necessarily my own), then it seems to be okay for skinny bitches to be bitchy about fatgirls in public and everyone's alright with that...

In a word? Bullshit. Here's the story, btw. I think Sylvan was completely and totally within her rights to a) be snarky to the ill-bred bitch, and b) to blog about it. Tit for tat, as they say.

I have yet to experience any of the rudeness that goes along with being fat...I think because I'm not young anymore. I am off everyone's scope, so to speak. And I still think fat people can do something about it if they wanted, before you jump down my throat, there's a lot in that. Very often "being fat" is not the issue. Addressing other emotional issues is the issue...and those things have to be recognized, analyzed, and then dealt with before the fat thing can be tackled. And myself? I'm no one to talk, I've literally gained 100 lbs since high school. Good gods.. .bleah.

And I know, I know, I'm a horrible pagan...I don't find fat attractive or acceptable, but at least I'm well-bred enough to not SAY shit to people like Miss Jogging Suit. She deserved what she got, snarky comment and judgment included.

'Nuff for now...back to clearing nearly 20 years of clutter...mind, body, and house...

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