Monday, March 03, 2008


It seems the evil fairy of writer's block has caused a dearth of words available to me...I can't even come up with a catchy one-word title for a post. *sighs* Perhaps it's because I can only extend artistically in one direction at a time. Lately I've been trying to paint and draw more...and it seems to be sucking at the teat of creativity and running it dry, or not so cheesily put, stealin' mah werdz.

*another sigh* I hate resorting to lolcateze in order to cadge a chuckle...or groan, as the case might be.

Sitting here at work (yeah, sue me), drinking diet coke, eating way too oily peanuts on a dodgy stomach, wondering why I don't just go home (would involve calling the spousal unit and having him give up his comp time to haul my ass home), and if I can type this, why can't I sort through ancient accounting records and get them in order.

This is more fun?

I hate working, I hate getting out of my nice, comfy, cat-strewn bed on someone else's schedule. It sucks, and I've been doing it for nigh onto 38 the risk of repeating myself, I say sucks.

Four more years until I retire...and then I'll still have to work. I'm going to look into learning something like web-design, or medical transcription, something I can do from home in my t-shirt and sweats, yanno?

For those of you who were in suspense over this *cricket chirping* I was initiated on the 24th of February. Sylvan wrote an incredible ritual that had most of us crying at the least. Won't give it away, in case she wishes to use it for future initiates, but suffice to say it was awesome. And no, not crying in a scary way, well, not scary the way you might think. More like rebuilding yourself scary. We had the post-class-initiation "feast" yesterday...and a more unlikely spread of food you couldn't imagine. Sylvan brought leftovers from her dad's birthday party...the usual suspects, fruit, cheese, veggies, dips, salsa, chips, olives, etc. summer sausage, and she bought some chocolate-covered, pecan evilly decadent hockey pucks on the way is enough to die from insulin shock. The wild redhead brought some sort of choco-chocolate cake that I didn't try, and the Kimmeister shows up with a bag of sunchips and a--ready for this?--dozen Krispy Kremes. ACK! and the worst of worst, I had eaten way too many apricots over the preceding 24 hours and yep...the worst. I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say I wore home a pair of Sylvan's old lounge pants. >.<

After my trip to the loo I noticed they had lit incense...go figure. *dies*

Told you this blog would not be pretty at times.

Le Kimmeister put it best...shit happens.


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