Friday, May 08, 2020

And the band played on...

America, well, right-wing America, has gotten like that spoiled frat boy who’s been told all of his life he’s “special” and now thinks it’s quite okay to be a dick. Left-wing American isn’t making me too happy at them moment, either. I’m looking at you, Berners.

The response to the Corona virus (covid-19) should not be political. Period. But it has ended up that way. If Trump (I refuse to call him Mr. let alone President) had stepped up in DECEMBER when intel was first handed to him, and appointed proper, intelligent, competent people to handle it, far few people would have died by now, there would have been less impact on the economy, and most likely, we’d be facing a shorter lock-down (which is being relaxed way too soon).

The response we got was denial, accusations of “fake news,” obfuscation. Bullshit in other words.

The people I am friends with and I do not trust a single word coming out of that man’s mouth. As the saying goes: Is he lying? Yes, his mouth is moving.

I will never understand the so-called intelligent, educated people, any Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, or women who support him, who think he’s doing things right—in any situation. I don’t get it. Have they all been duped by Fox News and Russian BS on Twitter and Facebook? I can only assume they have. They’ve all voted against their own self-interest and welfare. And uneducated white people in rural areas, they’ve done It, too. WTAF?

Part of the problem is Trump’s and the Senate GOP majority’s hatred of anything to do with President Obama (see what I did there?): anything and everything Obama put into motion, they have to destroy, sometimes because it affects their Big Business Buddies who give them money (not just in campaign contributions, I’m convinced), sometimes because they deny climate change, and sometimes just because Obama did it.

Fucking twatwaffles.

There are so many affronts to common sense, morality, and the very fabric of our country going on right now, it’s bloody scary. Some of the worst hotspots for the virus are in meat-packing plants. I don’t eat meat, but lots of people do, and there’s starting to be a shortage. Hell, Wendy’s, fucking Wendy’s, has run out of burgers in some places. Because restaurants and grocery stores are not ordering produce, dairy, and meat like they were, tons of perfectly good food is being plowed under, dumped, and animals just slaughtered. Meanwhile, tens of thousands line up at foodbanks every day…..

Bodies are piling up, funeral directors are pulling all the stops, doctors, nurses, and other medical staff are working around the clock. And dying, too. And yet…the almighty dollar reigns. This past Friday, things started opening up more.

It’s a scary, scary time. And we have the worst possible moron in charge.

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