Wednesday, August 13, 2014

13 August 2014

That previous post was started before I went in hospital to have my surgery. I wasn't sure where I was going with it so I just posted it as I left it.

Even as I was being prepared for surgery I had my doubts about losing both breasts--not much I can do about it now, though--and thought, maybe I can still opt for just the lumpectomy. But I thought about it again and was content (can't say "happy") with my decision.

The surgery ended up taking nearly twice as long as predicted and I don't remember anything about them coming in the pre-op room to get me and start the IV like I have for previous surgeries and procedures.  For some odd reason that bothers me. I guess they must have given me some whopping potent shit to put me out. lol

I still have not had the courage to look in the mirror at the carnage....I've seen a bit and it's still really bruised and swollen around the left side where he took a couple of lymph nodes. I see him tomorrow and I know the drains won't come out yet (curses).

The hysterectomy part was hurting the most at first...particularly if I let all the pain meds wear off; I couldn't really stand up straight. Now it's getting better, but I'll still have to put up with damned bleeding for awhile.

Odd moment...looking down into my t-shirt yesterday and realizing I had no idea I had so many of those stupid little hemangiomas I get under my breasts...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless you. I am glad to know all of this. You have been an important person in my life and you were there for me when I needed a guiding hand. I will pray that this all goes well for you. Love, Sara