Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Because I'm tired of my website making me feel like a failure, too.

Hello, yet again. Blogging, or web-journaling, or whatever you'd like to call it, has never been a "regular" thing with me. But then what is? Even being "regular" is not regular for me.

But I actually pay for this website stuff. So I'm making it work (with apologies-or kudos-to Tim Gunn). Not to mention the fact that several things I've read lately have made me want to write; and not just where only my friends will see it. It might mean I take on the world, but that's what the "close comments" button is for, right?

Recently I've been thinking about conditions--the human condition, my condition...what condition my condition is in--and that prompted even more irrelevant thought, like can one person's condition have any affect on the rest of the world's condition? Can I change my condition with only thought and meditation? Fairly deep thoughts for someone who can't remember what she had for dinner last night.

Expect the unexpected!

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