Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pithy quotes

On the occasion of my new phone, a freebie from Verizon, I need to unload everything from my old one. One of my favorite things to do is go back and read my daughter's text messages. While they might not seem that funny to some, there are a few that just crack me up, others are just, well...L****. You have to remember that some of these are just random...not in response to anything, I just get them and it never ceases to make me smile.

Going to bed soon. signed on to check the lotto. Looks like I still have to go to work Monday.

What is it about a woman sitting in her car, blasting metal and smoking that make[s] street corner Christians think she's buying what they're selling?

In response to my message of "Help help I was held captive by a shopping demon in world market": Resistance is futile, human.

On Mother's Day: Thanks for hatching me.

I am on the Bus of the Annoying. All that's missing is Public Farting Guy.


After a weekend of fiancé and his teenage son visiting: My house is a scary frat pit. Flame thrower, please.

What doesn't kill us fucking pisses up off.

On one of her cats: I'm being stalked by the wild orange snugglewort. Ah! It got me!

All Day long, the cats have been paperweights with ears. NOW they start playing. (12:02 AM)

My daughter just made a greenbean talk to me.

To me while I was shopping at a bookstore: Step away from the blank books.
[We have a history here, we two.]

I bought items and they're apparently all very dangerous, because they each got their own bag.

The following message: 4 items! 4!

Work! Feh, says I!

Am texting while driving! Mwahahahaha!!!
[for shame!]

I'm always amazed at the bratty ways in which grown ass adults will act.

Followed by:

Woman in panera throwing a fit because they don't offer her fave sandwich anymore [recognize yourself, anyone?]

On her way to visit her boy in Dallas: Dude, there is still nothing in Hempstead. [her way of letting me know how far along the road she was...yes, I do worry about my 30-something kid, why do you ask?]

Help! Am pinned under a snuggly orange kitty! Send hot cocoa and blankie!

Red wine and chocolate chip cookie burp. Bleh

HAPPY PANTS! [I have no idea...]*

*have since found out that message was sent when she got home from work and changed into her happy pants, which are those drawstring pj bottoms....the happiest pair being covered with penguins!

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