Tuesday, March 27, 2007

10 things...no, make that 12 things...I love.

Sylvan posted this the other day and I've been giving it some thought.

Not numbered, because there's no particular order to these.

I love when my Golden Retriever, Sergio, comes up and lays his head on me as a sign of pure puppy love; melts my heart every time.

I love the fur on my black cat, Cessna's chest. It's the softest thing you will ever feel.

I love belly dance music.

I love my daughter's writing.

I love new school/office supplies (figure that one out...).

I love having several of my critters on my bed at once.

I love the smell of natural lavender.

I love anything big and powerful (I know this doesn't seem to fit the "small things" theme), like a locomotive, a jumbo jet, an aircraft carrier. I'm just fascinated by these engineering wonders. They had a big red crane at the construction site for the new north end of UT's Texas Memorial Stadium the other day. It was one I'd never seen before and it built the big tower crane. I could have pulled up a folding chair and cooler and sat there all day watching this thing...awesome.

I love the early-early morning, with a cup of coffee or tea and no place to be...sitting outside , the only time I really enjoy clear weather.

I love grey, misty, drizzly, cool weather....

I love the feel of notebook paper that's been written on with a ball-point pen, with the paper sitting on other paper while you're writing, so you get that delicious, crinkly feel and the raised writing on the back side of it.

I love the feel of my son's skin, so pure and smooth...but it scares me, too, thinking what he's going to face in life.

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