The first thougtht I had was wtf is that? You can't see it well in this phone pic, but it's a Fisher-Price type pop-up toy, with little people, big buttons, and a spinny-wheely thing on the side.
My first thought's red, it's the first thing dad could find to tie on the back of his truck, in lieu of a red flag. And, truth be told, it IS eye-catching and makes you pay attention.
The second thing I thought of son loved, still loves, to emulate his parents and makes the weirdest set-ups to serve as office, spaceship, time-machine...what have you. Often these lash-ups are just that, pieces and things you'd never consider a toy, tied and/or taped together. So, what if enterprising youngster lashed this up there in the hopes he could do whatever daddy did? Then I discarded that notion. Little kiddo wouldn't (shouldn't?) be out behind dad's trailer and the knots are beyond the average toddler.
So...I'm back to dad madly searching for something red " have RED...HONEY!!! I need something red to tie on the back of my machiny thing with rollers and buttons...and.......oh.......You're kidding me, right?"
Either that or he is brilliant "...Yep! A red kid's toy will get their attention alright."
Whatever the case, it made me laugh on a muggy Thursday morning, when I would have just as soon stayed in bed, thank you very much.
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