Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WOYWW #159

Hi, Madame B here. I forgot to mention last week that it was my first WOYWW post! (I was #178...posted on Thursday. Hee.)

We had a marvelous thunderboomer in our neck of the woods today--not all of Austin got rain--lowered the temp and watered the garden a bit. DEEE-lish!

Okay, I never had to go to confession, but I imagine today's post would be a harrowing experience in the confessional: Forgive me, for I have sinned. What is your sin, child? I have allowed a large, wonderful place to work and craft get so totally cluttered with schtuff, I've had to work in the kitchen. Ooooh...I'm not sure there are enough Hail Marys or Our Fathers to cover that, but your penance is banishment from all craft stores until it's tidied up!!

So, before you click the thumbnails of DHOOOM below, a bit of an explanation is due, I think. My house is one constant reno project and things get moved about all the time.  Pic #1 is my kitchen table, because of Pics # 2-3. My studio. *sighs* I had to move things in there and then they didn't get organized at all. Today I was home, giving Valentino meds for his nastily infected eye, so I attacked the studio and started organizing fabric and project bins. Actually made some headway, too. :)

When I came in the kitchen to sit a bit, I was gessoing odd bits of things to use as tags and journals...and playing Bubbletown on the computer. Any wonder I don't get more done?

These are thumbnails, click on them for larger pics!


Racu said...

I have 2 questions for anyone who checks out my WOYWW post this week: do you zoom in on your pics before you post them to make sure nothing's embarrassing in them? Do you zoom in on other folk's pics to see what tools, brands, etc. they use?

sandeeNC said...

LOL, ok, first, you may not do cute, but you sure do chaos very, oh my! I think you are a welcome addition to WOYWW, welcome! Yep, I zoomed....just to make sure I was seeing what I thought I saw...btw, love the lime green wall! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Zeffy said...

Ha ha you are doing good gal...just my knda person!! I am not the neatest of people,so I am glad that there are other like me...I think that maybe you have been shopping faster than you have been crafting! i am sure you will get this sorted real quick if you set your mind to it!! xxx

Neesie said...

Welcome to WOYWW! You'll have a great time desk hopping and may even find desks more chaotic than yours....okay well maybe not!
I had a giggle visiting so thanks for sharing. ;D
Have fun ~ Neesie #26

Eliza said...

Well I have to say chaos is the perfect name for it, you need to stop and work on one room at a time and then and not before for then do art work. Stop all products in the making, I think you need some order in your life. Empty the whole room and then cleaning up as you go put it in place. Oh and your poor, poor orange fluffy puddy cat is hiding under the chair in the kitchen if you can't find him. Oh and was that a pair of undies in the laundry basket I saw LOL Yep I am a zoom person, I like to find the quirky thing out of place and see what I can come up with. You could have an excellent art/craft space if you wanted it. LOL

Happy crafting this week but in your case sorting
Eliza #164
Please respond only to the queenartoypia blog.

Hazel said...

Good to see you at WOYWW again this week. The trouble with spreading out into the kitchen is that you've got even more to clear up now! But it's obviously the result of a busy crafter. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #87 x

Anne Rx said...

Gosh!! I hope you can find what you need when you need it - lol. Great space you have there to craft in.......welcome to WOYWW, you will enjoy it, I think. Anne x #43

Miriam said...

Fabulous busy space - look like you are having great fun.


Sophie said...

Fabulous workspaces, I love the idea of just gradually moving the clutter around the house.
Sophie no.92

Morti said...

Fab space - LOL. Certainly plenty to look at in your photos!

Welcome to WOYWW - sorry I didn't get around to you last week....but thanks for stopping by!