Monday, June 21, 2010

Sore hands and wrists...

...must mean I've made new promises to be active, productive, move ahead, garden, walk the dogs...some sort of activity that my joints object to.

I did walk the dogs, and do a bit of was marshaling wrangling 50 feet or so of garden hose that more than likely did it. I walked both dogs, although I really only intended to walk one. I went a good ways up the hill with the old, chubby, sweet Golden Retriever and on the way back down the other side, there was this old man, looked harmless enough, older than I, wearing a Longhorns cap, and smoking...I was my usual way friendly self and smiled and said hi.  And he muttered something and I said, "Excuse me.." Took him several tries and he kept looking back in his door...and that should have been the clue right there, because when he finally got himself heard, what he was asking was, "Can I see your ass?"

"Can you see my ass? No. You can see it as I walk away." And I left, pulling out my cell phone as I did. So I walked home, and got the other dog...young, huge, needs a Gentle Leader which looks to the uninitiated like a muzzle of some kind (it isn't), and my husband. All 6'4" 300 pounds of him, and walked back up the street, just sauntering along.

I did not know an elderly gentleman could move that fast......

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