Wednesday, February 07, 2007

shoot me

So... You didn't *really* expect me to keep up with this, did you? It's me!

I'm not thinking too straight today, I have some rather painful thing going on with the left side of my jaw. I don't know if it's TMJ or some sort of deeper, tooth-related thing. I will admit, I haven't been utterly religious about flossing...

Tonto is in the shop again. Several weeks ago it was the radiator, this time it's the water pump. I think I could put a sizable down payment on a new car for what I've spent on Tonto this past 12 months. But I couldn't afford the payment, so....

Yes, it's one of those entries....lots of these ....... Sue me.

I'm beginning to think my life is one big ellipse. I can't remember what happened when, so.... an ellipse fills the duhhhh space. I don't know how I'm going to do X, so another ........ I don't know how things relate, end, or even how the human mind comes to operate the way it guessed it, another ............................

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