Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Okay, why is it, that the VA allows the symbol of this upstart little religion (which, by the way has some of the same tenets as Wicca) Konko-Kyo, on headstones, but not the Wiccan pentagram. What THE hey??

There are some religions on the VA site that, I'm sorry, I never fucking heard of....and, quite frankly seem a bit...contrived. Here...Meet David Koresh, you can have his symbol on your headstone when your country sends you off to die in an illegal war, but you can't have the symbol of one of the, collectively-speaking, oldest religions on earth.

The way I look at it is if more than 50 military members are card-carryin' members of a religion, then they should recognize it and allow the symbol...after all..who the fuck's grave is it anyway??

One of the symbols you can have is not even a religion...it's for a building...yes, a building. Granted, it's part of the Shinto faith, but it's still a building.

The VA needs to get its collective heads out of its collective ass.

1 comment:

Mama Kelly said...

I was very pleased when, at the state level anyway Sgt. Stewart received the right for a symbol of his faith to appear on his memorial placque.

Hopefully the VA will authorize it at the national level and so allow it to be used in VA cemetaries on headstones.


Mama Kelly