Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Another delaying tact.......erm, I mean blog post

Today's task:  Clearing this

My tip of a kitchen table atm.

so I can finally combine my mother's ashes with those of her German Shepherd and two cats, Xanth and Q.

I'm flying up to stay with my brother next month and we're finally going to take care of setting her ashes to rest. She loved Missouri. Even though she was born in Texas, she always said she was from Missouri because she spent her first nine years there, in the farmhouse built by her ancestors. My grandfather lost it in the Great Depression  and they set out in a 1936 pick up with a top on the back, headed to California, but made it as far as Colorado, I think. But that farm was always 'home' for her. The house is derelict now, if it's even still standing, and Mike and I probably couldn't find it anyway.  But she also loved the Lake of the Ozarks. Her brother, my uncle was born in a cabin which is now at the bottom of the lake. My grandfather was the medical officer for the company that built the Bagnell Dam, which "impounds the Osage River."

So...Mike and I are driving down there and will set an urn that's designed to float for a bit, then "gracefully" sink, and finally disintegrate in the water, returning the ashes to the ecosystem.

Opening the box the ashes are contained in is going to be hard for me; I've literally put it off for two years, but it has to be done. I'm also setting aside a very small bit to take to England and Ireland with me in March. She never got to go....

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