Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Unclear on the concept.

Or why "women for Trump" is the biggest misdirection ever.

I can't find the page again, but just saw a twitter header for a Trump supporter, a "#womenfortrump" and "#MAGA" type. The header was in large, black, handwritten letters on a bubblegum pink background: Feminism is Cancer.

In her bio she says she's into journalism and politics.

This is not just a hypocrite, but an ignorant one. What the hell movement to you think cleared the way for you to be in journalism and politics?


You did not get there on your own chickie, no magic door opened for you because you're a conservative.  You rode the shoulders and backs of women who fought for our place among be counted as humans as opposed to chattel and breeding stock.

Feminism, in its proper form, is not about eroding men's rights or pussy-whipping them, it is merely the fight to be counted as equals. Men and women are not the same, but we are equal, and while certain "gender roles" are immutable, jobs should not be predicated on gender. Neither should pay.

These right-wing gender-traitors can be classified in two ways, in my opinion. They are either the ultra-religious types who defer to their husband in everything (and make me want to vomit and slap them at the same time) and feel they are not discriminated against because "God made them weak and they should let their men do everything and decide everything." May I add "GAG!"?

Or, they are the self-sufficient type who deny we have anything to bitch about. Well, bully, fuckin' bully for you, sweetie. the century of suffrage and sacrifice, inequality in pay, designs and inventions stolen by men to aggrandise themselves (I could go on indefinitely), all of that means nothing to you? If you think you walking in, smelling of Caron's Poivre or Chanel N˚ 5, sporting Prada, and thinking you just had more of what it takes (or you didn't have to go down on the prospective boss to get your job), means there's no such thing as sexism or misogyny, or that somehow Feminism is misguided, unneeded, or....a have a lot to learn, baby. so very, very much to learn.

Oh, and check your pay against any man doing the same job....surprise me.

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