I think I might have to change my blog title to "Crazy Cat Lady Meets the World." Meet Cat Number 5. This is Ella who came to live with us yesterday. She kind of went through a lot of names, including Butterball, Butter, Butterfly (??) and a couple of homes. She's been declawed, which in a way is good, because if she hadn't, her last people would have let her outside. She's a very large cat and very friendly...except that now there are OH MY! Other Cats, not to mention OFMG!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?!? No doubt her first thought upon realizing the huge, fluffy, gold lump in the hallway moves. Serg (the huge, fluffy, gold lump) of course is all whoaa...dude, will it play with me?? He wags his tail and stares hopefully at the new addition like a surferdude with high hopes the waves will rise today. But Ella's having none of it, she growls very softly and her tail fluffs to three times its size while keeping a steadfast eye on the moving dustbunny on steroids.
Cessna, The Queen of the Universe, can't hear, so She has to catch sight of the interloper in order to give her a piece of Her mind. This happened this morning while Her Highness was eating said interloper's food. I had to take it away from Her because it's not Her normal food and She was wolfing it...sure signs it would end up on my floor later, and not in its original condition.
So, five cats (not to mention the fluffball on steroids and the other dog)...but I think this is it. The spousal unit begrudgingly gave in, because I was a last resort before the shelter.
Meanwhile, yesterday was marvellous. A whole day with the senior offspring (BSEG). After a trip to Home Despot to get a piece of inch-think pink! foam insulation board, we dug through my rather inflated fabric stash and found several likely candidates for her faux headboard, then took them over to her apartment to see how each looked with her spread, etc. One of them was like, erm...what were we thinking? Another, by itself was...uh, no...one we didn't even hold up, another gave us pause, but we threw it out. Then one we really liked, but it was kind of blah. So I had an idea to take the uh, no and make it a four-inch border around blah...and OMFG! So we did that. I cut the first two strips of the border fabric and then mentally whacked myself upside the head...because I had forgotten to add enough to wrap around the back. So, after redoing my calculations, I cut everything out, sewed it together and then hot-glued it to the foam board, and if I may say so myself, it looked rather awesomely cool. So for 12 bucks (the cost of the foam board, out of which we'll get a couple more projects), we had a designer-look headboard! Joan Steffend, eat your heart out.
I have to hang it and post pictures over at my place now, don't I??
Yes, you do :D
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