Wednesday, January 17, 2024

America has lost its goddamned mind

 30% of Americans still back that complete conman, criminal, and just generally despicable man who somehow or other became president before Joe Biden. 

Seriously, I just do not get it. And to top it off the Republicans in Congress are still stirring the shit pot trying to find something, anything, to hang on Biden to impeach him. They're like a bunch of middle-schoolers, they can't stand it that their golden, or rather orange boy is actually being held accountable for crimes and sedition, so instead of doing their fucking jobs, they're playing "take that!" Except they can't find anything. Gee, I wonder why not. I'm not under any illusions here, I know Joe is no angel, but he's far too savvy to do anything that's going to get him squarely in the sights of the rabid right. 

So. Iowa. With the choices being aforementioned criminal, a Fascist, a bigoted bimbo, and as Trae Crowder put it "a brown man," plus a handful of wishful thinkers, they overwhelmingly chose the criminal, the man who tried to overthrow the government. Smooth move, dudes. It's actually scary that the Grand Old Party, or as I like to call them the Great Obstructionist Party, cannot field one single sane, viable candidate. The only choices are just laughable. Of course anyone with any kind of morality is right out for them, RINOs they're called.

The Democrats have a lot more good choices, but the majority of Americans won't go for them. The gay transportation secretary, the aging Socialist, the current VP (not a huge fan of her being prez, to be honest, but more research is needed), and I'm sure there are others, but no one high-profile enough to challenge the incumbent. 

One of the other problems is the Democratic Party itself. Apparently they are unable to hire a competent ad agency: they fail spectacularly to spin the good things this administration has accomplished. It brings to mind that blond idiot from Georgia reading off all the supposed bad things, and it's actually a list of very good things. Makes me cackle every time. 

There are a few things I really wish this Congress would do: censure Israel and tell them to stop being bullies. I'm by no means an anti-Semite, but the Israeli government has always treated Palestinians like a biblical plague of pests that just needs to be eradicated. I do not in any way condone what Hamas did, but the retaliation has gone far beyond any punitive action and is now in the genocide territory. You'd think they'd understand that, given their history. 

Next, Congress needs to pay back all the funds filched from Social Security since the Reagan administration. Instead of constantly saying it has to be reduced or eliminated because it's a draw on the deficit, PAY BACK THE TRILLIONS STOLEN! The Republicans (and Clinton apparently) have used the fund like their own personal piggy bank for things like funding the (unnecessary) Iraq war. We really don't need another super duper fighter jet, just pay back the money already and the fund will be fine for a loooong time. 

There are many things they need to turn their attention to besides one-upping each other in the payback game, but this one is also a biggie: Codify bodily autonomy for all. The anti-abortion thing has never, ever been about the babies. How do I know? Because if you look at the voting record of Republicans across the country when it comes to anything that would help children, they vote against it. You'd think they don't know babies become children. They don't give a rat's ass about babies. It's just one more way they can control women. Oh, they've convinced the Jesus crowd that it's about the babies, but we all know how gullible that lot is.

Well, that's enough to bring the trolls out. If you comment, be nice.