Wednesday, January 21, 2015

This needs a name. Or slacking as a career.

I can see all my new posts now: This needs a name, This needs a name #2, This needs a name get the idea.  Perhaps something will throw itself in my face as I type.

Let's face it, yours truly is a slacker. I think I wrote somewhere, sometime that I have all sorts of grandiose ideas for blog posts, short stories, how-to videos, and various projects; yet, I sit on my can and think about them, or go read, or check Facebook...again. The ennui builds up and I really have no one to blame but myself. There are so many things I could be doing, not to mention many I should be doing. So many journals started, feel-good lists started, plans for this and that, diet plans, exercise plans, garden plans, plan plans....

I know I can get things done. On occasion, I stoke up the engine, buckle down and get amazing things done. Why the giant slug act? And don't say, well, you're doing chemo.... That has nothing to do with it since I was like this before I ever even got the diagnosis. I can't even really blame the ADHD, either, this isn't about flitting from one project to another, which I've done in spades in the past (a big reason I have so much extraneous schtuff).  A chicken or egg question:  does the ennui cause the inaction or does the inaction cause the ennui?  Or...yes?

Ponder. Ponder. Ponder.

In other news, I bought a bicycle. Yeah...*laughs* you heard me, a bicycle. 40 bucks from Craigslist.  It's in pretty good condition, doesn't seem like it's been used very much, although one pedal needs replacing and the brakes need some adjusting. I added one of these to the back and bought one of these.  Yesterday I dropped the bike off at the bike shop for a tune-up, new chain ($10, it was stretched), new pedals ($7), and new brake pads ($8). All that is going to be a little over $100.  So I guess, in the long-run I didn't save much over a new big-box bike, but the advantage is I didn't have to pay it all out at once. And I love the color. :)  Eventually I will get a set of these, but in the meantime, I'm making a pannier out of an older Eagle Creek bag I have (this is the updated version of the bag, which itself has also been discontinued), using this Instructables tutorial.  My plan is to make a YouTube tutorial of my process as well. If, when I do, I'll post the link here.

I've actually been thinking about getting a bike for awhile now, but have really been inspired by a series of videos on biking in the Netherlands by this guy markenlai.  The attitude towards bike traffic is completely different there and the supporting infrastructure is just amazing.  Take a gander at the videos--they're kind of mesmerizing and addictive. Or maybe I'm just easily amused.