It's been awhile. So. I'm mostly recovered from surgery. There are a few issues, but nothing worth mentioning or that won't eventually work itself out.
I'm finished with the first part of chemo (adriamycin and cytoxan). Not horrific, but not something I'd care to repeat, either. There are myriad descriptions, etc. out there for you to read, so I'll spare you mine.
The next round is 12 treatments of taxol. Yay. -.-
In the meantime, I've started--first day today--the Whole30 program, aka clean eating. Yes, it's sort of paleo -based and yes, paleo is the stupidest name for an eating regimen ever. If you wanted to really go "paleo" then eat roots, leaves, bugs, nuts, berries, fish, and a lot of baby animals. They were easy to catch and consume without having a storage issue. Even paleoman figured out meat went off. But, they don't push the paleo-ness part. You eat grass-fed, pastured, organic meats, wild-caught fish, eggs, veggies, fruit, and some nuts. You don't eat dairy, legumes, grains, sweeteners of any kind, or alcohol. I'm going to be careful with the nightshades, too. I already know tomatoes often don't agree with me and I hate eggplant.
I strongly urge anyone who wants to get healthy, clear up your skin, resolve breathing issues, etc, to read the book--and read the "sciency" stuff in the first like 14 chapters.
Hey, any diet that pushes avocados and olives is just all right by me.
Anyway, this is my "commitment" page.