Do you know why streets and parking lots have speed bumps on them? Because of idiots. idiots who can't figure out you don't go blazing through a parking lot at mach2. There are pedestrians, kids running about (because of idiot parents who don't keep track of them), people backing out of parking spaces, shopping carts (left by lazy idiots who are too shiftless to take them to the cart corrals) sitting around waiting to be knocked into someone's car, and yet Mr and Ms Speedo think it's perfectly acceptable to blow through the Wal-de-Mart lot at 30 mph. Same with residential streets. Our street is posted 30 mph, but now is lined with mucking huge speed humps because of the idiots--not that it slows them down, they just get all pissy and hit the gas between the humps--who will go 50 down our hill, oblivious to the fact that people...oh my god...might actually LIVE on this street? And the worst part is the fact that 80% of these idiots don't even live in our neighborhood and have no business being there in the first place (once again, too lazy to take the other routes, which btw, are FASTER).
Speed bumps are for idiots. Idiots who shouldn't be allowed to drive in the first place. Speed bumps ruin driving for those of us with a brain.
A very close friend of mine had to
shut down the comments on her blog. Why? Because of immature idiots. I haven't seen the worst of the comments she's had to endure, but what I have seen is enough, coupled with the sheer pile of bullshit that accretes at the end of any news story these days, to once again convince me the world is full of idiots....idiots who shouldn't have permission to write on the internet.
Having to shut down your comments is like having to put speed bumps on your street all because of idiots who ruin it for the rest of us.