Thursday, November 01, 2007


Oy. I've been remiss. Does that mean I'm in remission...or that my writing is? Anyhoo...I've started a thousand blog entries in my head and none ever make it to paper…let alone the “intarweb.”

This looks very much like it’s going to turn into one of those “bulleted posts,” you know, the kind that happen when you’re thinking too much…or not enough, or too lazy to write each into its own post (or know better than to try to stretch the glue too thinly).

* Regarding Mr Mukasey…I was actually rendered speechless by this one…yeah, me. What sort of deliberation does one need to make on whether or not water-boarding is torture, or even just plain wrong? Let’s see, as I understand it, water-boarding simulates drowning, scaring the individual into thinking they’re dying. Hmmm…now of course, I can’t say for sure, since I haven’t been to a Christian church in a long, long time (Goddess be praised!), but I think I can safely say that even the Southern Baptists haven’t moved this little activity onto the list of approved methods for Sunday school instruction or full-immersion baptisms. Please feel free to correct me here. So what is it that might be good or acceptable or in any way condonable about this practice? I’d probably die of heart failure and they wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not I’d drown, for fuck’s sake.

Anything that is this mentally abusive is WRONG. It doesn’t matter who the bad guys are, we’re the GOOD guys. To stay the good guys we must tread the higher moral ground, always. Always.

But then I temporarily forgot that Mr Bush and his cronies ran out of toilet paper years ago…and are now using the Constitution to wipe their asses with.

* Consideration. It’s amazing how many people preach the Golden Rule (remember that one about doing unto others…?) and yet never practice it. Here’s some things to think about…when you go to a public restroom, do you take a moment to wipe the counter around the sink, wipe the handle and front of the towel dispenser…after you’ve splattered water all over them? Wipe the seat if you just squatted to pee? Use tissue to wipe the products of your nose mining, instead of smearing it on the wall? (Yes, I’ve seen this one, and I have yet to understand it, with toilet tissue RIGHT FUCKING THERE!) If you splat your coffee in the hall at work…do you go back and wipe it up? Do you dump your damned ashtray out on the pavement instead of in a trash bag? Do you take your earphones out when you talk to someone? Do you answer your cell phone when talking to someone, instead of letting it go to voicemail? Do you mosey across the street as if there’s no tomorrow when you know there are cars being held up and your causing a traffic jam? And here’s a biggie…… you wait for Mama Smith to load her 5 brats and 300 bucks worth of groceries, so you can get her space…thereby holding up traffic in the parking lot, even up to the main drag in front of the store…all because your fat ass is too fucking lazy to take the spot 20 feet down? I want to laser you into space. I have actually loaded up my truck while people waited like this and locked the door and gone back into the store…just far enough to see them park and then I walk right back out and nod and smile as they pass me going into the store—you are NOT more important than the dozen cars you are holding up and your fat butt could use the work anyway. Do you drive up the shoulder instead of waiting in traffic like everyone else? Again, you are not more important. I don’t see a pregnant woman about to drop her spawn, I don’t see your ass on fire…YOU are part of the problem, because then, when you get to the head of the line of traffic, you slow it down again trying to wedge your way back in. Again…I want to laser your toukus into space…far far into space.

There’s more…but really the bottom line is…the old golden rule says it all treat others as YOU would want to be treated.

* Egg-walking and the senior citizen. Well…L will know what this one is about. *sighs* Maybe some time when I have more energy.